A cat’s poop color can provide valuable insights into their overall well-being. In the cat poop color chart below we cover the different colors. As a responsible cat owner, it’s important to pay attention to every aspect of your feline companion’s health, including their poop. In fact, you should create an abnormal cat poop chart, which is a form of data charting where you track your cat’s stool over time. Download here.
Black cat Poo

Black cat poo can be like tar, and it may imply bleeding in gastro-intestinal tract. Read more.
White spots cat Poo

White spots, looking like rice grains, may imply intestinal parasites. Read more.
In addition to the color of your cat’s poop, you should keep track of its consistency, of its smell, of its shape, and of the frequency of your cats bowel movements. While it may not be the most pleasant task, keeping an eye on your cat’s stool can provide early indications of potential health issues. If your cat has no issues or problems, creating an abnormal cat poop chart gives you a baseline in terms of what the poop is like when when your cat is healthy.
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